Faster Than Handsewing

Back to the library, with occasional bouts of sewing on the side...

Friday, October 29

Good Intentions (with hobbits)

I went to the Perth Blognite on Wednesday, which ranged from fascinating to creepy to amusing to allergic (raw fish is a Bad Thing).
Anyway, I am now filled with good intentions about blogging more often, and more meaningfully, also playing around with the page set up a bit more, and this will happen once I overcome a) marking b) apathy and c) the whole should be thseis writing/doing various volunteered for stuff/sewing and other projects guilt. So whether good intentions become practice is somewhat questionable...

And for the hobbits - a new species of hobbit size humans have been found (or at least their skeltons have been found) in Indonesia. Who says that writing a thesis on lost races is irrelevant?!?

Thursday, October 21

Music Manuscript

One project that has been sitting on the pile for ages is writing out music that our local music group (currently called 'Solaris Cantus, formerly known as The Anealan Players) performs in a period style.
Here's a 15th century manuscipt with the cutest illuminations!

Friday, October 15

Help - I'm being quizzed

Sucked into the world of internet quizzes again...
At least I can live with these results!

I am a hybrid of:
Academic Girl
Progressive Girl

Click on the pictures below to read more:

Academic GirlProgressive Girl

Take the 'What Kind of Girl Are You?' quiz at


Just because I really don't need another project...

15th Century Italian Tents

But hey, as much as I love my dome tent there is no way I can pretend it is anywhere near correct!

Thursday, October 14


I've just changed the calender in my study carrel to October - and it is now officially Legolas month! This is a Good Thing. In fact, it is probably so far the best thing to happen this month.

Monday, October 4

Belt and Championship

This 14th century Italian belt looks like it might be tablet woven (though it is hard to see under the enamel decorations).
This weekend was our Baronial Championship, and I ran an Arts and Sciences competition which was for favours (any style, any medium, to be made over the weekend). There were seven entries, all wonderful. I made a piece of tablet weaving that may end up being a bookmark, or gart, or goodness-knows-what, but I got to try out continuous warping (yay - quick and easy), satin-style weave (pretty), and dropping the brocade weft to the back to turn (nice neat edges).

Friday, October 1

Spanish Perfume?

Manual de mugeres en el qual se contienen muchas y diversas reçeutas muy buenas (Manual of Women in which is contained many and diverse very good recipes)
A 16th century Spanish book with recipes that might be useful for the Kingdom of Lochac November A&S competition.