Faster Than Handsewing

Back to the library, with occasional bouts of sewing on the side...

Monday, November 29

Bits and Pieces

On a food theme - apparently (in the US anyway) the tomato is officially and legally a vegetable.

Going more academically - seeing that I need to write my paper on Lord of the Rings video games and masculinity over summer, I was rather intrigued by this account of the conditions such games are produced under. [Via Torill]

And because it is heading towards summer in Perth (even if the weather doesn't realise it yet) - some cultural stuff:

A blatant plug for Dust, a play by Looking Glass Productions. It sounds like a great play, and having gone to the quiz night and bought fundraising chocolate in support of it, there is no way I'm missing it.

The Opening Night for the Somerville Film Festival was last night. It began with pre-drink drinks on the Mathilda Bay foreshore, with dolphins cruising in the river only a few metres away. The weather drove us to a second picnic spot undercover at the music building, before heading over to the Friends of the Festival pre-film drinks in the Tropical Grove. The traditional overindulgence in champagne and chicken sandwiches was complicated this year by food alternatives - samosas, dips, olives and other nibbly things. We heard that this change from the way things have always been done has caused consternation within the committee ranks. I'm ambivalent about the change, myself.

Anyway, the opening film was Ae Fond Kiss. The story was about a romance between an Irish Catholic woman and Muslim man in Glasgow, but what I found most enjoyable was the way that the story was told - understated, naturalistic, definitely 'show not tell' that left the viewer to make sense of the characters and events in their own way. A huge contrast to Saturday night's film, Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, where there was no escaping the narratorial voice.


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