Faster Than Handsewing

Back to the library, with occasional bouts of sewing on the side...

Monday, August 16


The Olympics over the last few days have provided good background sewing noise, but have lead me into thinking more abstractly about deadlines and racing. For someone as hopeless as me at sport, it looks like people just go and go as fast/hard/whatever as they can until they get to the end. But really, it is a lot more managed than that - I was amazed watching a freestyle race where the woman who won seemed to be barely kicking - it isn't just flat out all the time.

The point where these thoughts intersect with my life and sewing is the tension between sewing as a kind of zen exercise and sewing as producing something to wear by a certain time (the current project needs to be done by Saturday 28th for Bal d'Argent). At the moment there's a plan for a managed approach, but somehow I suspect it will end up in a panicing rush to the finishing line.

The other deadline aspect is uni work - which I really have to go and do now.


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