Faster Than Handsewing

Back to the library, with occasional bouts of sewing on the side...

Tuesday, January 11


Back to the essential tool of all medieval people - the internet! The wonderful thing about my lack of internet access over the holiday break (while the university is closed down) is that I can't feel guilty about not doing net-y things. So I have been to the beach, read my Christmas doorstop book (Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke, which I enjoyed thoroughly, down to the footnotes!) and generally did less work than I should have.

Now I'm back at uni, with munchkins taking over the campus, and an adventure/quest to undertake - searching for pathways through trackless renovations - every time I visit the library cafe.

My breakfast reading this morning was the Lonely Planet New Zealand Guide. (For some reason I can't eat breakfast without reading.) I have come to the conclusion that when it comes to holiday planning, I am an incurable Western Australian country driver - "117 kms - that should only take an hour." Or not, when you factor in things like settlements and landscapes that aren't dead flat.

And with an Italian-themed feast this weekend, I've decided I need a new dress. No handsewing this time, it's going to be a quick (but hopefully not too dirty) machine job.


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