Faster Than Handsewing

Back to the library, with occasional bouts of sewing on the side...

Monday, January 24

Sleep-deprived in Sydney

It takes very little for Sydney to irritate me. Everytime I come here, I seem to spend at least the first few hours convinced I hate the place. But to go back to the beginning...
In a premium performance as the Queen of Lastminuteness, I spent all Saturday recovering from the fridge-cooling (I'll post pictures from the party when I am awake enough to work out how to do more than type at the YHA computers) and then most of Sunday running round panicing. Booking the day before meant I ended up booking in to YHA Glebe rather than Central as originally planned. But I did finally end up packed and ready (with the last minute addition of aa alpaca hat, which I will model when I'm in NZ - it's very sexy!).

The flight was hideously crowded and I got a centre seat at the back of the plan, and nowhere near enough sleep. Arriving in Sydney at 3am-ish Perth time in stickily humid weather was a great kick-off for my usual love-hate (no, make that plain hate) relationship with Sydney public transport. But eventually I got to Glebe, and got to check in there and then, and thank god shower. Glebe YHA seems nice, and I really like Glebe - old terrace houses, green trees, way too many bookshops.

Then it was straight into Fisher Library. My state of awakeness can be measured by the fact that I voluntarily drank coffee (only three sugars, and I actually liked it - but they seem to do better than standard Guild here). Weird Tales today, and I'll probably tackle Astounding tomorrow. Right now, I'm about to fall asleep on the keyboard, so goodnight from me.


At 2:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad we are back on line so I can read your blogs! Happy Australia Day.


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