Faster Than Handsewing

Back to the library, with occasional bouts of sewing on the side...

Monday, September 13

Weekend Work

53cm of brocaded belt - this is the longest piece of brocaded tablet weaving I've done! Now all I need to do is finish it off by trimming the ends of the metallic weft, putting a buckle on one end, and plait the threads left at the other end.
I re-read the bible for broaded tablet weaving, Nancy Spies' Ecclesiastical Pomp & Aristocratic Circumstance, and think I finally understand the bit about turning the brocade weft before it hits the edge of the piece (which is what I have done up till now). I won't replicate the explanation here, but I'm definitely going to try it out when I overcome my hatred of metallic thread enough to try brocading again.

Current project plan: Florentine late 15th century gamurra (light blue cotton/linen), then giornea and linen camisia to go with it (potentially beaded sleeves). Then summer fabric transitional Tudor, with tablet woven trim and belt. Finish these before adding more things to the list.

Today's link - a really good fibre site (which reminds me to rescue my spindle from the car).


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